Migration and quality of life: a psychosocial study of Brazilian migrants
Migrations, Quality of life, Social representationsAbstract
The objective of this study was to analyze the social representations of 51 Brazilian immigrants (73% female and 27% male) living in the city of Geneva, Switzerland, about the quality of life and migration. The free word association test was employed. The data collected were
processed by the software Tri-Deux-Mots, and were analyzed using Factorial Correspondence Analysis. The results showed that the variables of gender and period of migration contributed with higher values for the meaning of the factors. The similarities and differences in the representational content were observed in the different groups, which evidenced a communication and orientation of behavior according to the socio-demographic variables established, benefiting their identity and testifying to their justifying function.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Ieda FRANKEN, Maria da Penha de Lima COUTINHO, Natália RAMOS
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