Ethical instruction for citizenship: an investigation into social abilities measured using the social skills inventory


  • Kester CARRARA Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho
  • Mariana de Freitas BETETTO Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho


Cidadania, Educação, Habilidades sociais


The aim of the present study was to investigate if the repertory of social skills, important for the ethical education of a group of High School, Pre-college and Psychology college students, differed according to age and the particular characteristics of the interactive environment provided by each educational institution that participated in this process. The Social Skills Inventory was applied to a sample of 45 students
and a semi-structured questionnaire was given to nine teachers. Among the students, the results indicated a statistically significant difference between the classes of each education category investigated, in terms of the different groups of social skills. From the results obtained with the teachers, it could be seen that they have a clear notion of the skills a student must obtain in order to be able to act ethically and with citizenship, but those teachers do not create the required conditions inside the school context to develop these capabilities. This indicated the need for improvement in the abilities of the teaching staff, aiming to increase the repertory of social skills in their students.


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How to Cite

CARRARA, K. ., & BETETTO, M. de F. . (2009). Ethical instruction for citizenship: an investigation into social abilities measured using the social skills inventory. Psychological Studies, 26(3). Retrieved from