Body building, transvestism and femininity


  • Caio César Sousa Camargo PRÓCHNO Universidade Federal de Uberlândia
  • Maria José de Castro NASCIMENTO Universidade Federal de Uberlândia
  • Maria Lúcia Castilho ROMERA Universidade Federal de Uberlândia


Body building, Femininity, Transsexualism, Transvestism


In this work, we address the search for the feminine side by some men and also by women, from the standpoint of the idea of the virtual body, of sexuality and the history of transvestism and transsexualism. To this end, we have used the concept of body-building, a phenomenon that began in the post-war period and which, today, is stronger than ever due to the development of science in plastic surgery and other body building methods. We discuss the inadequacy of the term transvestism since the characterization of what is feminine in these cases is not only in the wearing of clothes, but also in the body itself. Finally we question the power that femininity has over the human being and discuss the new individual that is emerging in society today, challenging theoretical concepts and cultural gender models.


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How to Cite

PRÓCHNO, C. C. S. C. ., NASCIMENTO, M. J. de C. ., & ROMERA, M. L. C. . (2009). Body building, transvestism and femininity. Psychological Studies, 26(2). Retrieved from