Functional analysis as a decision-making strategy in child psychotherapy


  • Cynthia Borges de MOURA Universidade Estadual de Londrina
  • Renata GROSSI Universidade Estadual de Londrina
  • Patrícia HIRATA Universidade Estadual de Londrina


Functional analysis, Child psychology, Child psychodrama


The aim of this study is to systematize the data resulting from carrying out a child psychotherapy process in accordance with the descriptive
functional analysis proposed by Sturmey, 1996. This work presents the case description, the assessment, the functional analyses of each phase of the procedure, the objectives and the treatment strategies, selected on the basis of the analyses conducted, and also the results
obtained. Based on the systematization presented, the contribution of the descriptive functional analysis to the child psychotherapy decisionmaking process is discussed. Describing the therapists’ actions of decision-making and the consequences for the management of the process on the child, seem to contribute significantly to the practice of child behavioral therapy. The reason for this seems to be the explanation of the theoretical basis of the therapist’s actions.


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How to Cite

MOURA, C. B. de ., GROSSI, R. ., & HIRATA, P. . (2009). Functional analysis as a decision-making strategy in child psychotherapy. Psychological Studies, 26(2). Retrieved from