The process of aging in today’s world: chronological, biological, psychological and social aspects


  • Rodolfo Herberto SCHNEIDER Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul
  • Tatiana Quarti IRIGARAY Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul


Beliefs toward aging, Life cycle stages, Aged


The aim of this study is to indicate aspects that characterize the aging process in today’s society, specifically the different conceptualizations used to define this process with regard to the chronological, biological, psychological and social aspects involved. Through this review of the literature, it may be concluded that chronological age is not the only way of measuring the aging process, this being an interaction of complex factors which have a variable influence on the individual and which may contribute to the inconstant inclemency of the passage of time. Thus, biologically, events occur over a certain period of time, but time is not necessarily the cause of these events.


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How to Cite

SCHNEIDER, R. H. ., & IRIGARAY, T. Q. . (2008). The process of aging in today’s world: chronological, biological, psychological and social aspects. Psychological Studies, 25(4). Retrieved from