Impact on the quality of life and on the depressive state of elderly women attending a senior citizens university


  • Tatiana Quarti IRIGARAY Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul
  • Rodolfo Herberto SCHNEIDER Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul


Depression, Aged, Personality, Quality of life


In this study we examine the association between the length of participation in the University for Senior Citizens (Rio Grande do Sul Federal University) and personality dimensions, quality of life and depression in elderly women. We used the convenience sampling method. One hundred and three elderly women who participated in the Senior Citizens University group were evaluated and responded to questionnaires
involving sociodemographic conditions, aspects of personality, quality of life and depression. The data showed an association between the length of participation of over one year at the Senior Citizens University and lower intensity of depression as well as a better perception of quality of life in the physical, psychological and social domains. The outcome suggests that a length of participation in excess of one year at the Senior Citizens University acts as a possible protective factor against depression in the elderly. Furthermore, it helps with the perception of a better quality of life in the physical, psychological and social domains.


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How to Cite

IRIGARAY, T. Q. ., & SCHNEIDER, R. H. . (2008). Impact on the quality of life and on the depressive state of elderly women attending a senior citizens university. Psychological Studies, 25(4). Retrieved from