Cognitive-behavioral therapy for panic disorders and agoraphobia: 35 years of history
Agoraphobia, Psychotherapists, Panic disorderAbstract
This paper describes the evolution of knowledge of cognitive-behavioral treatment of panic disorder and agoraphobia. It is based on contributions by diverse researchers, and it is described as an integrative treatment inasmuch as it combines pharmacological treatment and various types of cognitive and behavioral therapies. It uses cognitive restructuring techniques, interoceptive habituation, techniques for breathing, situational exposure and existential restructuring. The treatment was originally developed for an individual approach, but it was also later used with group treatments. It was conceived as a treatment to be used by therapists working in places where it would not be
possible find qualified cognitive-behavioral treatment, in a step-by-step treatment model. Results have been most satisfactory with the exception of some interventions such as assertiveness training and muscular relaxation. Adaptations were made to cater to these findings.
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