Working night shifts and the co-parenting role for fathers: a difficult balancing act


  • Fabiana CIA Universidade Federal de São Carlos
  • Elizabeth Joan BARHAM


Work conditions, Family work relationship, Shifts workday


The demand for night shift workers is increasing at the same time as the role of the father within the family has expanded. The objective of this study was to compare workplace conditions, personal well-being and family involvement between fathers working on the day shift (n=36) and on night shift (n=22). Workers completed a questionnaire that used various scales to evaluate these
issues. Compared to the day shift workers, the night shift workers indicated that they received greater support from work colleagues and supervisors, felt more satisfied with their benefits and salary and had a lower frequency of interruptions during the workday, but felt less satisfied about the shift they worked and about spending less time with their children. With regard to family involvement, both groups experienced moderate to high levels of stress and only a moderate level of satisfaction. Despite the more favorable
working conditions, fathers on the night shift were less satisfied with their work hours, seemingly due to the lack of time spent with family members.


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How to Cite

CIA, F. ., & BARHAM, E. J. (2008). Working night shifts and the co-parenting role for fathers: a difficult balancing act. Psychological Studies, 25(2). Retrieved from