Introduction of art in psychotherapy: clinical and hospital approaches


  • Erika Antunes VASCONCELLOS Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz
  • Joel Sales GIGLIO Universidade Estadual de Campinas


art therapy, neoplasmas, oncology, psychology, psychotherapy


This article brings up the artistic activity as a therapeutic practice for patients from oncology area. The theme is discussed through a bibliographic revision considering tree different focus. In the first one we refer to the understanding of Art as a subjective and symbolic expression and to the use of artistic resources during Psychotherapy. Secondly, we consider the Analytical Psychology position in relation to the imagery language. Last, we consider the application of Art Therapy in the assistance of oncology area patients. This issue has been undervalued in Brazilian scientific publications in spite of the growing practice of Art Therapy at Medical Centers in our country as a psychodynamic diagnosis or therapeutic resource. This field needs a better theoretical basis, mainly in the specific cultural and institutional Brazilian context.


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How to Cite

VASCONCELLOS, E. A. ., & GIGLIO, J. S. . (2007). Introduction of art in psychotherapy: clinical and hospital approaches. Psychological Studies, 24(3). Retrieved from