Religion, coping, and cure: psychological perspectives


  • Geraldo José de PAIVA Universidade de São Paulo


cure, religious coping, psychology of religion


The concept of cure, as care and as recovery from illness, is discussed according to its etymology from a psychological perspective especially in relation to religious coping, which is a particular manner of care. Several possible relations between cure and religion are distinguished and frame out the meaning of Pargament´s question about the unique efficacy of religious coping in the cure process. It is argued that psychology,
as an empirical science, is unable to assess the religious coping efficacy, although it may do about the sacred efficacy. Diverse competences are, therefore, acknowledged to psychologists, theologians and pastoral agents.


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How to Cite

PAIVA, G. J. de . (2007). Religion, coping, and cure: psychological perspectives. Psychological Studies, 24(1). Retrieved from