Separation anxiety in adults with panic disorder: a cognitive-behavior treatment


  • Ana Gabriela Pinheiro da Silva ANNICCHINO
  • Evandro Gomes de MATOS Universidade Estadual de Campinas


adult, Academic performance, cognitive behavior therapy, panic disorder


This study was developed with adult patients, all of them panic disorder clinically diagnosed according to the Manual de Estatísticas e Diagnósticos-IV criteria. The aim of the study was to investigate the incidence and severity of Separation Anxiety symptoms among these patients and the effect of Cognitive-Behavior Therapy on these symptoms. The psychotherapy process was based on the Panic treatment
manual, “Overcoming Panic”. Also used were the Beck Depression Inventory, Sheehan Anxiety Scale and the Mood Anxiety Spectrum Project. The results showed reduction or disappearance of Separation Anxiety symptoms after the treatment, as well as decrease in the degrees of anxiety and depression. It can be affirmed therefore, that there is Separation Anxiety in the adult, and that Cognitive-Behavior Therapy is
efficient in the treatment of both Separation Anxiety and Panic Disorder, probably, because the same systems are at the base of the thoughts for both.


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How to Cite

ANNICCHINO, A. G. P. da S. ., & MATOS, E. G. de . (2007). Separation anxiety in adults with panic disorder: a cognitive-behavior treatment. Psychological Studies, 24(1). Retrieved from