Social skills in stomach cancer bearers


  • Taísa Borges GRÜN Hospital Erasto Gaertner


social skills, stomach neoplasms, prevention


The objective of this study was to detect possible social skills deficits, through Inventário de Habilidades Sociais (Del Prette & Del Prette,
2001) application in stomach cancer patients from a hospital of cancer treatment in Curitiba, PR, Brazil. Thirty adults from both sexes had
participated in this study. According to the outcomes, women presented social skills medium repertory, while men presented social skills
deficit. The participants from highschool presented superior average than the participants from the elementary school in one of the
inventory factors. There was no age statistical significant difference. As these results are not conclusive, the present research replication is
suggested, taking these discoveries as a starting point.


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How to Cite

GRÜN, T. B. . (2006). Social skills in stomach cancer bearers. Psychological Studies, 23(2). Retrieved from