A study to an anxiety scale for adolescents


  • Marcos Antonio BATISTA Universidade do Vale do Sapucaí
  • Fermino Fernandes SISTO Universidade São Francisco


anxiety scale, adolescents, factor analysis, test rehability


This study proposal was the development of a scale for the adolescents’ anxiety assessment. Two hundred and forty nine public high school students were investigated. A set of seventy five statements was used as instrument. The analysis of the principal component had produced a scale composed by twenty six items joint in four subclasses. The general scale coefficient of reliability was 0.86, which demonstrates the
items consistency. Three out of four factors had been interpreted as anxiety generators. The first one was referred to the future and the unknown situations. The second was referred to an interpersonal relationship, worthiness feelings, angry, nervousness and low pressure endurance. The third one was referred to sexuality, as well as fear of going out tonight, getting involved with drugs and sexual relationship. Finally, the last factor is characterized as an anxiety compensating factor, referring to protective feelings, happiness, dynamism and safety.


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How to Cite

BATISTA, M. A., & SISTO, F. F. . (2005). A study to an anxiety scale for adolescents. Psychological Studies, 22(4). Retrieved from https://periodicos.puc-campinas.edu.br/estpsi/article/view/6763