Love origin and meaning according to greco-roman mythology


  • Ana Lúcia Nogueira BRAZ Universidade Paulista


love, Eros, greek-roman mythology, love meaning


The proposal of the following paper was to identify all possible meanings of love through the Greek-Roman mythology. This mythology approach was chosen, as the Greek-Roman cosmology is one of the eldest love concepts and meanings through the Eros myth and its repercussions. This myth explores the symbolic possibilities to understand love influence on the individual and collective psiqué development. Many Eros versions have been analyzed in order to evaluate the actual love meaning possible influences. Considering Eros´ myth, this paper concludes love is part of human being, as it can give human being’s life and relationships meaning.


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How to Cite

BRAZ, A. L. N. . (2005). Love origin and meaning according to greco-roman mythology. Psychological Studies, 22(1). Retrieved from