breast neoplasms, breast reconstruction, anxiety, depression, mastectomyAbstract
This study proposal was to identify and evaluate anxiety and depression through pre and post breast reconstruction. This study subjects were ten female who were attended at the plastic surgery out-patient clinic. The instruments used were Beck Depression Inventory and Trait-State- Anxiety Inventory. The results have showed patients’ psychological suffering and
anxiety and depression rates alterations through the surgery pre and post periods. The erogenous sensibility was not identified before the breast reconstruction. However, 40% of the participants have identified it after surgery. The majority of the subjects reported self-image improvement intention before the surgery, and 90% of them considered their expectations fulfilled. Also, they affirmed their conjugal relationship has improved after the breast reconstruction. Other researches about processes of breast reconstruction are essential identify and compare anxiety and depression in control groups, and also to analyze the variables that interfere whit breast recosntruction.
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