
  • Anna Elisa de Villemor AMARAL USF


Rorschach, psychological assessment, psychopathology phenomeno-structural, psychodiagnostic, psychopathology


The Rorschach method is a source of several studies in psychopathology due to its origins and foundations. It constitutes a method for personality assessment based on the responses given to non structured stimulus which allows the observation of complex psychological phenomena related to perception, association, projection and the verbal expression. This fact permits
the various methodologies of analysis developed all over the world, each point of view with its scope and importance. Among the several systems we can found the method based on the Phenomeno-structural psychopathology that proceeds with the analysis of the language and the imagery, bringing important contribution for the comprehension of the normal and the pathological functioning. The purpose of this article is to contribute to the diffusion of this theory and this method in our country, showing it’s value for the psychological assessment


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How to Cite

AMARAL, A. E. de V. . (2004). THE RORSCHACH METHOD AND THE PHENOMENO-STRUCTURAL PSYCHOPATHOLOGY. Psychological Studies, 21(1). Retrieved from