
  • Raquel Souza Lobo GUZZO PUC-CAMPINAS
  • Isabel Cristina RIELLO
  • Ricardo PRIMI USF
  • Patrícia do Carmo Pereira ITO
  • Cristina Coutinho Marques PINHO PUC-CAMPINAS


personality, development, bibliographical search, scientific production


Analysis of scientific production is one of the most important step for analysis of the scientific development. Considering the renaissance of temperament in the scientific way in the last decades, this study had as objective to verify the “ state of the art “ of this theme. It was used as bibliographical support Psychological Abstracts, being considered the thematic areas: Psychometric, Statistics and Methodology; Development Psychology; Personality Psychology and Education Psychology. The data were computed in a picture with the author’s indication, its date, volume, number, theme, journal, age group and article type (theoretical or researches). The results were tabulated related the thematic area, article type and age group. They prevailed in the rising, goods of the area thematic Development Psychology, articles type research and most approached the child’s age group. These results confirm data of the contemporary literature that the temperament is considered one of the components of the personality and has been acquiring new emphases in Development Psychology.


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How to Cite

GUZZO, R. S. L. ., RIELLO, I. C. ., PRIMI, R. ., SERRANO, M. ., ITO, P. do C. P. ., & PINHO, C. C. M. . (2004). TEMPERAMENT: ELEVEN YEARS OF SEARCHING IN PSYCHOLOGICAL ABSTRACTS. Psychological Studies, 21(1). Retrieved from https://periodicos.puc-campinas.edu.br/estpsi/article/view/6691