
  • Marilise Brockstedt LECH Universidade de Passo Fundo/UPF
  • Paulo César Ribeiro MARTINS PUC-CAMPINAS


sexuality, pregnancy, sexual desire, phenomenological method


This paper looks at the changes of the sexual desire during pregnancy. The subjects of the study are four psychologists who were pregnant at that time, and their husbands. A written statement of two questions about the changes of the desire was the choice to collect the data. Data analysis was made by the phenomenological methodology. Results show two common aspects
among the majority of the reports: 1. The sexual desire did not change in the majority of the subjects. 2. The subjects do not link the change of the desire with other changes of the sexual behavior. The variants of the reports are presented in 6 topics: 1. Reasons of the maintenance of the desire. 2. Reasons of the change of the desire. 3. Changes of the sexual behavior
described by women. 4. Changes of the sexual behavior described by men. 5. Aspects without changes in the sexual behavior. 6. Experiences during pregnancy.


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How to Cite

LECH, M. B. ., & MARTINS, P. C. R. . (2003). CHANGES OF SEXUAL DESIRE DURING PREGNANCY. Psychological Studies, 20(3). Retrieved from