


psychology, religion, language


This essay intends to understand the religious language and its possible use in Psychology. It intends to reconstruct its possibility through the comparison with other languages usually considered by Psychology. It
begins considering the individual expressive speech of the subjective experience, experience, in which are found the metaphonical uses the uses of terms that originally belong to the designative speech of external
objects. After that, it considers the expressive speeches concerning the social and group experiences, in which can be seen the change of the “I” speech to the “we” speech. To reach this “we”, as a subjective experience,
means a renunciation of the excessive desire of contralling a colective process, and to access another rationality level. Then, it considers the ecological “we” as an experience, that shows more metaphors and
renunciations as an access condition. Finally it reaches the religious language in which the symbols and the kind of rationality acquire new characteristics, but continuation of the former languages.


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How to Cite

AMATUZZI, M. M. . (2003). PSYCHOLOGICAL LEGITIMACY OF THE RELIGIOUS LANGUAGE. Psychological Studies, 20(1). Retrieved from