
  • Maria Helena Mourão Alves OLIVEIRA PUC-CAMPINAS


Communication, stuttering, employment


Communication, the process of creation and formulation of meaning by means of messages sent, received and interpreted, involves a blending
of information transmitted by verbal, motor and social elements. Productive communication includes corporal posture/language, formulation of information, voice and articulation whose synchronization produces the fluent speech. Otherwise, the defficiency called stuttering may appear. One of the great difficulties of the adult stutterer is the occupational problem. Studies have shown that stutttering diminishes the employability of a person and the probability of promotion. The main objective of the stutterer is to accomplish a productive communication by means of a therapeutic process that will enable him to construct a model of communication in which the information will superpose any other behavior such as avoidance, flight and anxiety


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How to Cite

OLIVEIRA, M. H. M. A. ., & GARGANTINI, M. B. M. . (2003). COMMUNICATION AND STUTTERING. Psychological Studies, 20(1). Retrieved from