
  • Josiane Maria de Freitas TONELOTTO PUC-CAMPINAS
  • Vanda Maria Gimenes GONÇALVES PUC-CAMPINAS


Attention’s Deficit, popularity and rejection


This study is part of a larger study on identification of inattentive children and their behaviors in the school environment, its object having been to identify inattentive children and verify how they perceive themselves in their school environment, relating this aspect to lack of attention. Data were collected in a government school of fundamental teaching and the
sample consisted of 127 school children of the first grade. This data collecting was done by means of individual interviews with the subjects and with their teachers. The data analysis defined two distinct groups, one in which the problems of attention were identified and the other, in which this did not happen. The presence of a greater number of self-oriented
negative attitudes was observed within the group of children with attention problems, which, on its turn, probably collaborates to the difficulties found in their formal schooling. The identification of this condition
broadens the possibilities of intervention capable of minimizing the problems faced daily in the classroom.


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How to Cite

TONELOTTO, J. M. de F. ., & GONÇALVES, V. M. G. . (2002). SELF-PERCEPTION OF INATTENTIVE CHILDREN IN THE SCHOOL ENVIRONMENT. Psychological Studies, 19(3). Retrieved from