
  • Dalva Maria de Almeida MARCHESE UNISA


deformity, congenital anomalies, disable, newborn, Bioethic


The citations of historical examples in the beginnings of texts of the most several areas of the knowledge are a constant that seems not to reflect consultation equally numerous to the primary sources, but yes a tacit
agreement, independent of evaluating the author’s intention. The need of the review and of the discussion of the classic texts it was made its starting from the concern with the practice of the disposed of babies born with deformities, had as having generalized in ancient Greece, starting from citations in texts the most several. The well-known facts through the texts
and its possible context, take to the conclusion that there is not historical documentation that checks that practice as having generalized in ancient Greece.


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Aristóteles (384-322 a.C.). Política Tradução de Torrieri Guimarães (2001). São Paulo, Martim Claret.

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Duncan, R. (2000). History, Ethics, and Outcomes CSM Pediatrics. Disponível: http://neonatology.org/syllabus/nheo.web.pdf (consultado18.11.2001).

Edwards, M. L. (1996). The cultural context of deformity in the ancient greek world: "Let there be a law that no deformed child shall be rearead". The Ancient History Bulletin, 10(3-4):79-92. Disponível: http://ivory.trentu.ca/www/cl/ahb/ahb10/ahb-10-3-4ahtlm (consultado:05.05.2001).

Iceton, S. (2001). The Soranus score. JAMC, 164(5):674.

Michulin, A. V. (s/d). História da antigüidade Lisboa, Centro do Livro Brasileiro.

Pessotti, I. (1984). Deficiência mental: da superstição à ciência São Paulo, EDUSP.

Platão (427-347 a.C.). Diálogos III - A República Tradução de Leonel Vallandro. Rio de Janeiro, Ediouro.

Platão (427-347 a. C.). Diálogos: Teeteto e Crátilo Tradução de Carlos Alberto Nunes (1988). 2Ş ed., Belém, UFPA.

Plutarco (46-120 d.C.). Vidas Paralelas Tradução de Jaime Bruna (s/d). São Paulo, Cultrix.

Santos, T. M. (1970). Noções de história da educação 13Ş ed., São Paulo, Cia. Editora Nacional.

Soranus (50?-129 d.C.). Soranos D'Éphèse - Maladies des femmes. Tradução de Paul Burguère, Danielle Gourevitch e Yves Malinas (1988 - vol. I; 1990 - vol. II). Paris, Les Belles Lettres.

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How to Cite

MARCHESE, D. M. de A. . (2002). DISPOSE OF NEWBORNS WITH DEFORMITY: REVIEW OF PRIMARY SOURCES. Psychological Studies, 19(3). Retrieved from https://periodicos.puc-campinas.edu.br/estpsi/article/view/6656