goodwill, person centered approach, phenomenological researchAbstract
This research intended to raise the characteristics of the attitude of goodwill, and also the characteristics of the Person Centered Approach, considered as wider than its application to the specific field of clinical psychology,
and to compare both of them. The adopted research method was qualitative and phenomenological. The comparison showed that there are some similarities and differences between the two modes and that the
way the concepts are built in each considered system differs. Within goodwill the focus is the kindness of the act itself, pointing to ethical aspects, and for PCA the focus is the relationship with other persons,
pointing towards trusting the basic processes of life. By approaching these two concepts emerged a conclusion on the importance of ethics, considered here as essential for PCA formation and in general for the
psychologist constitution as a professional.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Mauro Martins AMATUZZI, Vera Engler CURY, Carla Fabiana GRAETZ, Juliana Martensen BELATINI, Marilu Lorete de ANDRADE, Moema Maria SEBER
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