Bum Patient and Treatment Compliance: Functional Analysis of a Case


  • Maria Carolina Lizarelli Bento Rezende SOBRAPAR
  • Silvia Regina Teixeira Pinto de Albuquerque
  • Vera Lúcia Adami Raposo do Amaral PUC-CAMPINAS


bum patient, compliance, functional analysis


The present study aimed at describing the variables that lead to abandon rehabilitation treatment. It has as objective aiso the introduction the variables to enable the patient to retum to treatment. This case study deals with a twelve-years-old male child oflow social extraction and income, who had
suffered bums and who received psychological treatment preparing for surgeries. Six psychotherapy sessions were conducted for 50 minutes each. The results pointed the importance of psychological
intervention improving patient compliance. The successful intervention enable the patient to retum and undergo plastic surgery treatment.


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How to Cite

Rezende, M. C. L. B. ., Albuquerque, S. R. T. P. de ., & Amaral, V. L. A. R. do . (2001). Bum Patient and Treatment Compliance: Functional Analysis of a Case. Psychological Studies, 18(3). Retrieved from https://periodicos.puc-campinas.edu.br/estpsi/article/view/6627