In search of a new identity:the group of alcoholics anonymous
alcoholism, Alcoholics Anonymous, social identityAbstract
In search of a new identity:the group of alcoholics anonymous This paper describes an investigation with Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) members, conducted with the objective of verifying transformations in their daily life and their conceptions on alcoholism related themes. Nineteen men were interviewed, utilizing a questionnaire that, in different ways, asked them to compare their previous condition of active alcoholic to the current
condition of abstinence. The subjects also answered an instrument adapted from the semantic differencial technique. The results revealed extensive alterations both in the conceptions about alcoholism.and themes related to it, and in the personal actions ofAA members in various levels oftheir lives (family, group offriends, work, neighborhood). These results indicate the construction of a new social identity of a positive character. The acceptance ofthe AA principies, as well
as the adherence to the group proposals in conducting their lives, also becomes evident. Additionally, the results are used in the discussion of some influence mechanisms ofthe AA groups.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Rosiane Gonçalves de Oliveira, Paulo Rogério Meira Menandro
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