
  • Carmen Beatriz NEUFELD PUC-RS
  • Lilian Milnitsky STEIN PUC-RS


memory, memory models, Cognitive Psychology


We review some of the major findings in memory research on the last century. We hope that this paper is useful to students and professionals that work in this area. Firstly we present a historical overview of the studies in memory. We then bring forth the most significant advances and their importance for current studies in the field. We also discuss the contributions and limitations of some key memory models, namely: the Spatial Model, the Schema Theory, the Dual Processes Model, Tulving’s Model, Mandler’s Model, and Fuzzy-Trace Theory. We conclude by establishing a parallel among the different explicative theories of memory emphasizing their contributions and major issues which have propelled the continuity of research in this area.


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How to Cite

NEUFELD, C. B. ., & STEIN, . L. M. . (2001). THE STUDY OF MEMORY FROM DIFERENT THEORETICAL PERSPECTIVES. Psychological Studies, 18(2). Retrieved from