anxiety and development, children and parents, modelationAbstract
This work aimed to verify tendencies of relation between previous expectations (P.E.), anxieties and fears of patients applying to Cochlear Implant (C.I.) and their later evaluation concerning the gains obtained with the implant. The subjects were 6 patients of both sexes, between 13 and 19 years of age, with C.I. accomplished from 7 to 44 months. The data previous to the surgery were collected from the patients registers and compared with the ones collected through the semi-structured interview conducted during the later rehabilitation stage. The results indicated similarity between two kinds of P.E. and evaluation post C.I.. The aesthetic aspect revealed itself as an important factor among the patients concerns. The pre-surgery guidance made the P.E. more adequate as well as the evaluation of the gains post C.I.. The necessity of psychological attendance pre and post C.I. is indicated in order to minimize the difficulties of adaptation related to the self-image of adolescent patients and the development of proper expectations.
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