
  • Valdiney Velôso Gouveia Universidade Federal da Paraíba
  • Josemberg Moura de Andrade Universidade Federal da Paraíba
  • Fabiana Queiroga Universidade Federal da Paraíba
  • Maja Meira Universidade Federal da Paraíba


Attitude, Anxiety, Computer, Scale


This study aimed to construct the Attitudes Towards Computer Scale, estab/ishing its psychometric parameters. There were two factors as hypothesis: Autonomous Machine and lnteracting lnstrument. At the beginning there were 100 items, reduced to 50 after theoretica/ and semantical analysis, and discriminatory power. Based on answers of 487 subjects, a PAF analysis was performed, with oblimin rotation, which resulted in two different factors from those formulated: Positive Attitudes
and Negative Attitudes, with Cronbach's Alphas of 77 and 74, respectively. These two factors together explain 16.3% of the variability
of the scores. Finally, the correlation between such factors (r = -.48, p<,000)  suggested a unifactorial scale, with the 31 items and Alpha of .83. lt was conc/uded that the instrument can be useful to diagnose the attitudes of the potential computer user and to know how the general population perceive this machine.


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How to Cite

Gouveia, V. V. ., Andrade, J. M. de ., Queiroga, F. ., & Meira, M. . (2001). ATTITUDES TOWARDS COMPUTER: ELABORATION AND VALIDATION OF A SCALE . Psychological Studies, 18(1). Retrieved from