
  • Ana Maria Pimenta CARVALHO Escola de enfermagem de Ribeirão Preto
  • Emília Tiemi FUKUSHIMA Escola de enfermagem de Ribeirão Preto


Nursing Programmes, Psychology, lnterdiscíplinarity


ln this article the insertion of Psychology courses in Nursing Programmes in public universities of the country is described. Until now the law that guides such matter is Regulation 1721 -December 15th, 1994, of the Ministry of Education and Sports. According to the data gathered from questionnaires aswered by members of the Nursing Programmes, most of the schools have Psychology courses offered as obbligatory; the time spent by theses courses fit the legislation demand; the teachers responsible for this courses are not psychologists only and their content is maínly General Psychology. Is seems to have an effort to offer the nursing students a graduation programme that surpasses the medical biological model. 


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How to Cite

CARVALHO, A. M. P. ., & FUKUSHIMA, E. T. . (2001). PSYCHOLOGY IN NURSING PROGRAMMES. Psychological Studies, 18(1). Retrieved from