
  • Cilene Rejane Ramos ALVES USP
  • Maria Teresa Araujo SILVA USP


schizophrenia, neuroleptics, dopamine, atypical antipsychotics


Schizophrenia is a rather complex mental disorder whose causes are sti/1 unknown. The pharmacologica/ treatment of this disorder is based on antipsychotic drugs, which provide symptom improvement and allow for a better pattern of social interaction. This paper presents a brief description of schizophrenia, followed by an analysis of present pharmacological interventions used in its treatment. The therapeutic and coifa tera/ effects of the main typical and atypical antipsychotic agents are described, and their mechanism of action is discussed. Final/y, some aspects of the interaction between pharmaco/ogical treatment and psychotherapeutic intervention are discussed. 


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How to Cite

ALVES, C. R. R. ., & SILVA, M. T. A. . (2001). PHARMACOLOGICAL TREATMENT OF SCHIZOPHRENIA. Psychological Studies, 18(1). Retrieved from