
  • Rosicler BORGHETT
  • Marilise Brockstedt LECH Universidade de Passo Fundo
  • Paulo Cesar Ribeiro MARTINS Universidade Luterana do Brasil


marriage, family, couple therapy and family


The theme, marriage and origin family, appeared from observations in lhe attendance of a couple, whose main complaint of one of the spouses was lhe fact of that lhe other remains more "married" to the origin fami/y than to lhe spouse - a/though both were tied to their families. This fact reflected negatively in their lives, causing them suffering, making them seek therapeutic he/p. The clinica/ case is characterized by lhe invisible /oyalty in relation to lhe origin fami/y, which works as ties, impeding the coup/e's development


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How to Cite

BORGHETT, R. ., LECH, M. B., & MARTINS, P. C. R. . (2001). MARRIAGE AND ORIGIN FAMILY: INVISIBLE LOYALTY. Psychological Studies, 18(1). Retrieved from