
  • Sílvio José BENELLl UNESP
  • Roberto Vutaka SAGAWA UNESP


observing babies, monther-child retationship, subjectivity, sharing-participation, organizers,, object relationship


The aim of this research is to analyze the subjectivity of mother-child relationship in Braziliam working class. Starting from René spitz's work on object relationships in the first year of a child's fite, and using a psychoanalytical methodology approach and a sharing participation technique, three dyads during the infant's first year at Tarumã, an inland town of São Paulo State were observed. The data were obtained from weekly one-hour visit. They were analyzed and compared according spitz's theory. The resufts were not different from Spitz's, although they revealed a specific subjectivity from working class families. 


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How to Cite

BENELLl, S. J. ., & SAGAWA, R. V. . (2000). OBSERVATION OF MOTHER-CHILD RELATIONSHIP BELONGING TO THE WORKING CLASS IN THE FIRST YEAR OF LIFE . Psychological Studies, 17(3). Retrieved from https://periodicos.puc-campinas.edu.br/estpsi/article/view/6591