
  • Makilim Nunes BAPTISTA UNIARARAS / Universidade Braz Cubas


Parturient, Donation, Play procedures, Newborn child


There are tew researches about the accompaniment of the parturient that wish to donate their newbom chi/d and the importance ot this accompaniment fies on the support to the donation decision. The target of this research was describe a set of procedure used with 24 parturient that had shown interest in donating their newbom chi/d (N.C.) from 1996 until 1998 in a School-Hospital of Brazil, Campinas (São Paulo) as we/1 as some social characteristics of this women. Most part of them had low social and economic levei and average age 25,5 years. Great part of these subjects were unemployed and didn't have income (79,2%) and 66,6% was single, 12,5% married, 8,3% lived together, 8,3% divorced and 4, 1% separated. There was in this set of procedure an inte,view with a Psycho/ogist and a Social Assistant, to require economical, psychological and social aspects as we/1 as some variables ot the donation intention. The subjects were followed individually in arder to help them in their choice of donating or not. Among the 24 cases that required accompaniment, 50% didn't donate the babies, 41,6% donated and 8,3% of the children died before ending procedure. This set of procedures helps the parturient face the donation decision and the consequences of this stressful moment of their lives.


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How to Cite

DAHER, A. S. ., LALONI, D. T. ., & BAPTISTA, M. N. . (1999). SET OF PROCEDURE WITH PATURIENT THAT WISH TO DONATION YOUR NEWBORN CHILD . Psychological Studies, 16(2). Retrieved from