


Uteracy , Theacher's Perception, School Psychology


This study was search to identify factors which interfere with the líteracy process, and was maínly focused on the theacher's víew of thís process. The sample consísted of twenty first year's elementary school teachers from three public schools in two country cites of São Paulo State. The theachers answered a questionnaire of four open questions. The analysis of the results showed that, for the teachers, the líteracy is basícally, a way of learníng to wríte. ln smaller percentage, acquíríng knowledge and read The difficulties in the literacy process aren 't clear to the teachers, but there is a tendency m appomt to the school institutuíon, whíth our fui/ classes , but the student prevíos knowledge eases the literacy process.


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How to Cite

BRAMBILLA, L. H. ., & JÚLIO, A. A. . (1999). TEACHER PERCEPTION OF LITERACY PROCESS . Psychological Studies, 16(2). Retrieved from https://periodicos.puc-campinas.edu.br/estpsi/article/view/6556