Avaliação do estilo, personalidade e foco na atuação do supervisor de estágios clínicos


  • Luiz Fernando de Lara CAMPOS


Clinicai Supervision, Supervision Style, Supervision Focus


The evaluation of supervisors working on Clinica/ Psychology was the aim of this study. ln order to elaborate the action profile of supervisors 'models the type of personality, style and focus was studied. The instruments used were the Supervisor Style lnventory and Supervisory Focus and Style Ouestionnaire. Subjects were divided in two groups according to their theorical approach used: Cognitive-Behavioral (N=6) and Psychodynamic (N=12). The results showed similarity in relation to style, focus, and personality.


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How to Cite

CAMPOS, L. F. de L. . (1999). Avaliação do estilo, personalidade e foco na atuação do supervisor de estágios clínicos. Psychological Studies, 16(1). Retrieved from https://periodicos.puc-campinas.edu.br/estpsi/article/view/6548