Computer science in Campinas: elements and considerations


  • Eliana Martins da Silva Rosado PUC-CAMPINAS


formation for computers, social representation, video, learning' model


To form for computer science is a problem porsued by researchers and teachers on the present time. The present study had for objectives: to evaluate the type offormation for compute r science offered by specialized schools in Campinas, to explore the space of the video inside of this formation, articulated to the expressed learning concept in the coordinators' of those courses social representations. A questionnaire of open and shut questions was answered individually by eight representatives of the schools. Main results: with relationship to the structures of formations, two groups of schools stood out: those that oftered formations on computer science for business (57%), establishments with less fonnations (use of programs and programmigs - 43%) could have targetpopulation (youth or adults, 72%), The implicit model ofunderlying leaming didn't reveal a defined conceptual group inside ofwhich the resource to the video could be clearly articulated, being distributed the dimensions among enphasizing in the action ofthe student (37% ofthe picked up arguments), in its pré-requirements for the formation (32%) and teaching methodd (32%). Conclusions: in a fonnation for which the practice with computer is seen as fundamental, seems ther to be a pre disposition ofthose educational ones for the entrance ofthe video in the computer science formation. Though, the structure ofthe courses would suggest na absence of formation politics to that technology in tha area, being needed new researches for the better identification ofthose tendencies.


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How to Cite

Rosado, E. M. da S. . (1998). Computer science in Campinas: elements and considerations. Psychological Studies, 15(3). Retrieved from