Adaptive configuration and maturity levei of defense mechanisms


  • Elisa Mediei Pizão Yoshida PUC-CAMPINAS
  • Patriee St -Amand U. Montréal
  • Valérie Lépine U. Montréal
  • Mare-André Bouehard U. Montréal


adaptation, defense mechanisms, levels of Ego's maturity, external validity


Among the Ego-owned resources to garantee the adaptive stability, stand out the defense mechanisms. This theoretical concept instilled the present research which tried to determine the relations between a measure of adaptive configuration of subjects who sought for psychoanalytic psychotherapy and the maturity levels of the defense mechanisms used. For this, two scales developed from clinical experience, wereemployed: Escala DiagnósticaAdaptativa Operacionalizada - EDAO and Defense Mechanisms R(ltingScales - DMRS.Outof 36 subjectspreviously
assessed by means ofthe EDAO, 20 presenting stable adaptation were selected. 10ofthem were moderately adapted and 10severely adapted.On considering the defenses in terms ofthe maturity levei it was observed that both groups differentiated due to the employment of the defenses in relation to those extreme maturity levels. The intermediate levels did not prove to be
discriminating. Significant correlations were observed between the global scores ofboth scales.


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How to Cite

Yoshida, E. M. P. ., St -Amand, P. ., Lépine, V. ., & Bouehard, M.-A. . (1998). Adaptive configuration and maturity levei of defense mechanisms. Psychological Studies, 15(3). Retrieved from