Supportive group therapy with women with breast cancer: main unconscious fantasies


  • Vera Lúcia Rezende UNICAMP
  • Neury José Botega UNICAMP


Psychology, breast cancer, brief psychotherapy, group psychotherapy


This work investigated the provision of psychological assistance for women with breast cancer. The aims of this study were: 1. to examine the experience of the Psychological Support Group established in the Centro de Atenção Integral à Saúde da Mulher (CAISM), UNICAMP, Campinas, Brasil; and, 2. to analyse the dynamic aspects of one of these groups, as well as the psychological state of the patients involved. During the sessions, the patients complained considerably and demonstrated feelings of rejection and suspicion. Several ordinary, unconscious fantasies were identified, the basis ofwhich was a generalized fear of castration. The need to expose oneself was viewed as being full of
risks and as a threat to further losses. This group psychological approach resulted in a close
experience of the above feelings that allowed some of them to be dealt with.


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How to Cite

Rezende, V. L. ., & Botega, N. J. . (1998). Supportive group therapy with women with breast cancer: main unconscious fantasies. Psychological Studies, 15(1). Retrieved from