Psychotherapy for older adults: a literature review


  • Roselisa Crespi Martins PUC-CAMPINAS


Psychotherapy for older adults, geriatric psychotherapy, geriatrics, gerontology, aged, elderly


This paper examines the scientific literature concerning psychotherapy with older adults and classifies the studies on 06 dimensions: countries, periodics, themes, theoretical orientation, nature of the investigation and goals of researches. The sample was composed
of 108 serials, selected from the PSYCLIT database (PSYCHOLOGICAL ABSTRACTS, from 1990 to 1996) using the following key words: psychotherapy, brief
psychotherapy, and: elderly, agitlg, geriatric, gerotltology. Results are discussed according to the analytical dimensions proposed, the researche main trends are identified and suggestions are presented to improve new studies in the area.


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How to Cite

Martins, R. C. . (1998). Psychotherapy for older adults: a literature review. Psychological Studies, 15(1). Retrieved from