Elementary Schools Adolescents: Study of Representations Focusing the Prevention


  • Eliana Martins da Silva Rosado PUC-CAMPINAS
  • Damaris de Andrade PUC-CAMPINAS


Aids Prevention, Social representation, Adolescent and Aids


The increase of the AIOS among adolescents has been taking professionals to develop preventive actions to that age group. As base for a work of that nature, it was applied two questionnaires in different moments (1993 and 1996), with the objective of exploring information
and representation regarding to the AIOS in two different groups of adolescents (age groups between 11and 16years, bothsexes, representatives ofSth to 8th grades of elementary school). The concept of social representation (Moscovici, 1978) constitutes the fundamental theoretical element on the reading of the collected dates. The present report evidences some comparison points among the two samples, but mainly, it makes a qualitative evaluation of the answer's contents. It was observed that the youths present
the knowledge which would allow them to identify risk situations, but its nature would not assure preventive conducts when due to risk situations. Analyses for age groups, and sex indicated the need of ulterior studies, as well as, the inadequacy of preventive actions
which don't take into account the specificity of a community group.


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How to Cite

Rosado, E. M. da S. ., & Andrade, D. de . (1998). Elementary Schools Adolescents: Study of Representations Focusing the Prevention. Psychological Studies, 15(1). Retrieved from https://periodicos.puc-campinas.edu.br/estpsi/article/view/5813