The elderly and their daily rotine in the middle-age feminine imagery: a study of social representations


  • Roselisa Crespi Martins PUC-CAMPINAS


social representation, elderly, middle-age


This paper examines the social representation of middle-aged women. The sample was composed
of04 women, aged from40 to 45, who underwent the Desenho-Estóriacom Temaprocedure. Conceming
the methodology,a contentanalysiswas employed. Resultsshowedtwo categories of social representation: being oldpeople and oldpeople's ordinarylife. Results are similar among other researches, indicating a tendency to consider old age mainly in a negative view.


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How to Cite

Martins, R. C. . (1997). The elderly and their daily rotine in the middle-age feminine imagery: a study of social representations. Psychological Studies, 14(3). Retrieved from