A critical view about the learned helplessness studies


  • Maria Helena Leite Hunziker USP


desamparo aprendido, comportamento animal, controle aversivo, estímulos incontroláveis


Leamed helplessness effect has been observed across a wide range of species. This paper introduces the basic characteristics of leamed helplessness experiments performed with infrahuman subjects. A critical analysis of most of these experiments shows procedural and measurement problems in addition to a low defitional precision. Some results produced by a modified procedure are reported, which were able to generate more accurate data (compared to conventional procedures) with respect to the operant leaming under study. It is proposed that well established leamed
helplessness experiments can make significant contributions to behavior analysis, particularly to
the investigation ofaversive control and to the effects of non-contingency.


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How to Cite

Hunziker, M. H. L. . (1997). A critical view about the learned helplessness studies. Psychological Studies, 14(3). Retrieved from https://periodicos.puc-campinas.edu.br/estpsi/article/view/5806