Elaboration and cvaluation of a program of infantile recreational games for the teaching of concepts to prcschool-children


  • João Serapião de Aguiar PUC-CAMPINAS


Concepts Formation, Games, Preschool, Psychomotor


The purposes of this study were to investigate the influence of a program of infantile recreational games on the leaming ofbasic concepts by preschool children and to verify its generalization in the classroom. Forty pupils with age varying from three to five years were subject ofthis study. The de­ lineation used was pre-tcst, training, post-test and generalization test. ln the pre and post-tcsts, it was used the Test of Basic Concepts of Boehm. ln the pre-test the pupils had a greater command of the concepts related to theareas ofspace, followed by thoseoftime, mixture andquantity. After the train­ ing, the best performance occurred with the concepts related to the areas of space, followed by those of quantity, time and mixture. The statistic analysis pointed out to theefficiency oftheapplication of the infantile games program in order to acquire command and generalization ofthe drilled concepts. The data were examined under a referencial cognitivist leaming basis.


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How to Cite

Aguiar, J. S. de . (1997). Elaboration and cvaluation of a program of infantile recreational games for the teaching of concepts to prcschool-children. Psychological Studies, 14(2). Retrieved from https://periodicos.puc-campinas.edu.br/estpsi/article/view/5794