lnterest of Uberlândia Federal University's officials of psychological themes


  • Sandra Augusta de Melo Neves PUC-CAMPINAS
  • Joaquim Gonçalves Coelho Filho Universidade Federal de Uberlândia


prevention, preventive clinic, social psychology, diffusion ofpsychology, communication in psychology


The studic reported in this paper is part ofthe purposes of PREPSI - Studies and Researchs in Pre­ vent Psychology Laboratory ofthe Pontifícia Católica University ofCampinas. Tt searchs to iden­ tify the levei of receptivity of Uberlândia Federal University's servants (teaching and administratingstaft) about psychologycal texts ifthey were published in a free monthly journal, at­ tached with their paycheck. 4,0% of the servants answcred spontaneouslly the research and show a high receptivity by the purpose (93,8% participants). The temes they show highly interested were: family, stress, education and humam development.


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How to Cite

Neves, S. A. de M. ., & Filho, J. G. C. . (1997). lnterest of Uberlândia Federal University’s officials of psychological themes. Psychological Studies, 14(2). Retrieved from https://periodicos.puc-campinas.edu.br/estpsi/article/view/5789