lnterest of Uberlândia Federal University's officials of psychological themes
prevention, preventive clinic, social psychology, diffusion ofpsychology, communication in psychologyAbstract
The studic reported in this paper is part ofthe purposes of PREPSI - Studies and Researchs in Pre vent Psychology Laboratory ofthe Pontifícia Católica University ofCampinas. Tt searchs to iden tify the levei of receptivity of Uberlândia Federal University's servants (teaching and administratingstaft) about psychologycal texts ifthey were published in a free monthly journal, at tached with their paycheck. 4,0% of the servants answcred spontaneouslly the research and show a high receptivity by the purpose (93,8% participants). The temes they show highly interested were: family, stress, education and humam development.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Sandra Augusta de Melo Neves, Joaquim Gonçalves Coelho Filho
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