The option of triathlon as a priority of life: a phenomenologic study


  • Erika Höfling Epiphanio PUC-CAMPINAS
  • Mauro Martins Amatuzzi PUC-CAMPINAS


Phenomenological psychology, sport, ellection, triathlon


The objective of this research is to describe the living experience of ellecting sport as a priority among triathletes, from a phenomenologic focus. The subjects of this research were four triathletes: two men and two women. All these individuaIswent through a preliminary interview to collect stadute regarding their living experience of giving priority to the triathlon. The analysis of these interviews was according to the methodology proposed by GIORGI (1985), and was conducted in four steps.However,there wasthe addition ofsome other steps to confIrmthe results with
the athletes individually. 1 - the total reading of statements; 2 -the division into units ofmeaning; 3
-the transformation into the researcher  comprehension; 4 - specifIc synthesis; 5 -individual interview to confIrm data; 6 - comparasion ofthe synthesis; 7 - overall synthesis. After analysing the results, it was noticed that the choice for triathlon followed a specifIc formo The triathlete starts
practicing the sport at an early age, under family influence; at a certain phase of life, they start to
have new interests which compete with the interest for sports. At this moment the athlete temporarily
abandons the practice of sports. Soon after this the individual returns to this activity practice because he feels the need of pleasure which is provided by practicing a sport. This is stimulated by pleasure, but also generates conflicts. This research showed that the study of sports is very rich not only for the sport area, but as well as for psychology in general. This study brought to light about several scientifIc curiosities which justify further research.


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How to Cite

Epiphanio, E. H. ., & Amatuzzi, M. M. . (1997). The option of triathlon as a priority of life: a phenomenologic study. Psychological Studies, 14(1). Retrieved from