Origin and control attribution of mental disease by oewcomers and terminal students of Psycbology



Causality Atribution, Locus of Control, Mental III


Causality Attribution is an important variable when phenomen understanding are loóked for and the perception about the causes and origem the persons have about it. The prescnt study examine this variable through the bipolarity cndogeny/exogeny, and the control attribution in thc terapeutic situation through the bipolarity intemality/extcmality.Toe subjects wcrc two groups ofpsychology undergraduatestudents. They answered the scales "Mental Health Locus of Origen" and ''Mental Health Locus of Control". High and significant corrclations werefound between the groups opinions, proving the development studing seems do not change the origen and control attribution here examincted.


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How to Cite

Oliveira, A. L. de, & Neves, S. A. M. (1995). Origin and control attribution of mental disease by oewcomers and terminal students of Psycbology. Psychological Studies, 12(3). Retrieved from https://periodicos.puc-campinas.edu.br/estpsi/article/view/12338