Analysis of cognitive representation through pré-bender and its relations with the school performance
Cognitive Representations, School Performance, Organization Written-Perceptive TestsAbstract
This study purposcs an analysis model of cognitivc representations based on an adaptation ofthe Perccptive Organization Tcsts for kindergarten childrcn of Santucci (1960) and Koppitz (1958). This purpose of evaluating the Levei of Cognitive Representations throught the relation between the Motor Perception Mistakes (M.P.M.) and Positive Points (P.P.) allowed to distinguish students with school difficulties and made itselfuseful for the determination of specific resources to be developed by the child, in cases when the intervention is necessary. The data suggcsts rcsearchs thatmay characterize the M.P.M. in terms of its genetic evolution to allow a gcnctic interpretation of the rcquircd comportaments for the correct execution of thc figures.
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