Concept of Psychology: definitions and criterial attributes in the opinion of university students



Formation of Concepts, Psychology, Social Identity


The goal of this research was measure the concept of Psychology of univertiy's students.The subjects were 198 university students of Psychology, Law and Management. The instrument was onequestionnarie with threeended questions about thesubject identificationand oneopen question which asked to subjects to define Psychology. The instrument application in collective way. The results showed what thesubjects were inclined toappraise Psychology in function ofsocial identity ofthis science profession.


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How to Cite

Campos, L. F. de L., Martinez, A. M., Sandra R.Paes de Almeida, & Oliveira, M. V. P. de. (1995). Concept of Psychology: definitions and criterial attributes in the opinion of university students. Psychological Studies, 12(1). Retrieved from