Parent's conflict solution and perception of childish adequacy in children with and without psychological refcrring
Parent training, Behavioral assessment, Psychological referring, Child behavior disturbanceAbstract
The present study compared the confiict solution skills and the perception ofthe children behavior in parcnts of Brazilian children rcferrcd and non refcrred to the psychological attendancc. Thc subjects were 40 mothers and one father, dividided in two groups. It was applied the Conflict Parent-Child Questionnaire and the Checklist Child Behavior. About Lhe conílict solulion skills thcrc was no significative difference between the number of hits in each group (parents of children referred and non referred; and from clinics and non clinics). There was significative difference: a) in the rate obtained from the first questionnaire ofparents with more children when compared with parcnts with less children; b) in the score obtained in the second questionnaire by children referred and non referred.
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