Contcmplation over the clinicai practice in hospitais



Hospital psychology, transference and countertransference, revenge internal object


A theoretical approach, with the a1m of recovering some questions on Psychology as a science, applied to the hospital as institutions, was donc. Thc main objcctivc was thc clarification of the following points: the cffects of the more primitive and unconscious defence mechanisms; lhe relationship between ageing, lhe situation relatcd to the hospitalization; and the need ofworking out the depressed condition of both the profcssion;ils and thc patients involved in the treatment. A discussion ovcr the conceptuais and practicals implications of transferencc and countertransfc­ rcnec was done, proposing a more careful action. lt is suggested that there is a need of a definition of objcctives and methods of participation in the hospitais to avoid endangering lhe therapeutic relationship.


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Author Biography

Nelson Silva Filho, Universidade Estadual Paulista




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How to Cite

Filho, N. S. (1996). Contcmplation over the clinicai practice in hospitais. Psychological Studies, 13(3). Retrieved from